On "go", we go! The four race cars zip down the extra-high click-clack race track made of natural wood with stable plastic ramps. The eight ramps and one exit provide extra-long driving fun. The parking deck with four parking spots is at the top of this tall toy and offers enough parking spots for the colourful wooden toy cars for before and after the wide rides. Comes with a stable base for stability!
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https://www.quedejuguetes.com/en/imitation-games/cars-and-transports-toys/circuits-and-competition/44851-xl-racetrack-with-parking-deck-small-foot-11963.html44851XL Racetrack with Parking Deck.<p>XL Racetrack with Parking Deck.</p>https://www.quedejuguetes.com/69096-home_default/xl-racetrack-with-parking-deck.jpg19.95outofstockSMALL FOOT32.9516.487639.45371775417310.74382022-03-18T10:57:08+0100/Root/Root/El Taller del Modelista/Imitation Games/Root/El Taller del Modelista/Root/El Taller del Modelista/Imitation Games/Cars & Transports/Root/El Taller del Modelista/Imitation Games/Cars & Transports/Circuits and competition